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Consider this method if your replenishment process does NOT begin with a purchase order created in Acme.


1.If necessary, use "Convert_UPC.exe" and vendor specific INI to properly format the vendor supplied invoice CSV file.

2.Import the invoice as Inventory Data.

3.Import the invoice into Purchasing Worksheet. This associates the items with the Vendor and brings in the expected quantities and item cost. You may need to add delivery fee, fuel surcharges or other items to the worksheet so that its total value matches the vendor invoice. When the value of the PO Worksheet equals the value of the Vendor invoice, convert the PO Worksheet into a Submitted Purchase Order.

4.Use Acme mobile app or portable data collector to receive the PO.
*If you are certain the order was shipped complete you could also "Receive Complete" with 2 clicks.


You end up with a purchase order that includes ALL items that were on the vendor invoice, the quantities they invoiced you for AND the quantities you actually received. If there were discrepancies print "Purchase Order Anomalies" report in Acme Data Miner and share it with your vendor.


Optional after step 2; Import the invoice as Vendor Items. If supplied in the CSV you could use this step to update the Vendor Item Description. If you skip this, step 3 (above) can import Vendor Part Number and Vendor Default Cost (as seen on Item Purchasing tab) and vendor item description will be copied from Item Description.


We can make above steps super easy by providing Vendor specific EDI mappings and end user checklists!

Acme Point of Sale is brought to you by Total BusinessWare Inc.


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