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Click >Maintenance >Acme Setup Information >Electronic Payments Loyalty Account Number List


This screen is only used when you have a "phone number enrollment" (card-less) loyalty program.


It is possible for an account to to be ENROLLED yet not have a phone number visible on the list, it is stored in a child table. Typically these are legacy accounts, brought over from another point of sale system or program.


Load CSV -Get a list of virtual card numbers from your Loyalty Processor and use this to load them into Acme.


If you have more than one store it is important to load all the cards at all of the stores.


The EDIT and CLOSE buttons on this screen serve no purpose at the time of this writing.


CSV layout example.








To view all phone numbers associated with an account use the report called "Customer Loyalty Accounts" in the Acme Data Miner.


The phone columns are optional and only used during migration from another processor. If there are phone numbers associated with accounts, the accounts will be marked as issued and and the phone numbers will be associated with their respective account numbers.  There can be up to 5 phone numbers included with the account number.  If a 6th is added the oldest phone gets bumped off the list.  If an account does not have a phone number, it will not be marked as issued. Any phone number not ten digits is ignored during import. Phones with extensions will be rejected since the phone number will not be ten digits.


If the customers have vouchers for points earned, consider loading them as Gift Cards rather than points, as they may have given the voucher to someone.


Migrating points from a previous card-based program to new card-based system.


1.The card numbers and points are imported or created in the processor’s platform.

2.The card numbers, and PINS are imported into Acme. Pins are generated by the processor when they import the cards into their system.


Migrating points from a previous program (card or card-less) to new phone-based system.


The data to migrate must include phones. These can be real “known” phone numbers (ideal) or not.


If phone numbers are known, provide them with their points. If phone numbers are not known, make them up and supply the points and enough other information so the customer can be identified. In the example below, the first two phones are real, the last two were not.




1002000001,33,Ted Trader

1002000002,75,Frank Speaker


When Ted or Frank come in, enter their transaction and use the made-up phone number to process the loyalty. Before tendering the transaction use the “Loyalty Add Phone” action key to add their real phone number to the loyalty account.




The Loyalty Add Phone action key is used in Ticket Entry, not Tender Entry. For this reason, you may wish to set up Acme to “Pause on Ticket Entry After Reward” instead of taking the clerk to the Tender Entry screen.


Your clerks will need access to the list of made-up phones (if any) during the transition period. You could keep a list at each register or enter/import them into the “Alternate ID” field in customer maintenance so they are visible in the Ticket Entry Customer list as shown below.


Customer List With Alternate ID



The phone number column shown above is from the customer record in Acme. It is not from the loyalty database. For added flexibility Loyalty phone numbers are not stored as part of a customer record.

Acme Point of Sale is brought to you by Total BusinessWare Inc.


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