Acme is for specialty retailers looking for a complete retail management system (RMS) they can grow into, not out of...
1-20 checkout lanes per store. 1-999 stores and/or distribution centers. Deployed locally, with option for cloud backup, so it's super-fast and super-safe.
You will have total control to add equipment and capabilities as your priorities and needs change...
See how specialty retailers
buy low, sell high* and promote profitably. Everywhere...
All while keeping your POS data in your store,
so your lanes are fast, and your data is secure.
*Selling high is about high profit, not high price. Let the so-called super stores fight over who can survive on the lowest margin. With Acme you’ll have the tools and tactics that make doing business with you a win/win/win for you, your customers and your vendors.
Buy low, sell high & promote profitably. Everywhere...
It’s about high profit, not high price. Let the so-called super stores fight over the low end. With Acme you’ll have tools and tactics that make saving a buck the last thing on your customer's mind.
Turn Shoppers into Repeat Customers and Raving Fans
(both in store and on the web)
Don't settle for an old school cash register or new-fangled "cloud app".
They cost more in lost opportunity and hidden costs (like locked in processing and lack of features) than they save.
Get a competitive advantage not available in entry level systems, for a price that's less than you might expect.
You get our guarantee of no missing features, even if you upgrade from a system that cost you 5x more than Acme.
There is no long terms software commitment, plus you can test drive it free (with full support) for 30 days!
Start your FREE (fully supported) 30-Day Test Drive
Front counter, back office and ability to work from home. Sell in the store, over the web, even at a trade show...
With Acme you can go mobile, and use all of your applications
(not just the point of sale) with any device, securely from anywhere.
All while you keep your data fast, safe and PRIVATE. -In your store where it belongs. Read more about proper use of the cloud.
Acme works with all major equipment and payment card processors.
Packages start at $79/month. Packages including equipment start at $179/month. All packages include unlimited Acme support, training and upgrades.
Don't know if you need equipment? -contact us for a FREE detailed equipment audit. We'll show you how your existing equipment compares and if you’d be missing any features.
Why Acme?
Equipment, software and service, service, service...
The support that we have received from ACME POS while learning the system has been outstanding! The learning process was easy and simple to understand!
Cindy P
Chesapeake Siding, Roofing & Accessories
USE what you have
Previous system? Don't start over. Leverage existing equipment AND enjoy new features.
get what you want
Software and service packages from just $79 / month!
Package Deals with software, services & EQUIPMENT from $159/mos!
protect your freedom with NO VENDOR or processor LOCK-IN
Never give up your right to shop around. That is one of the most expensive mistakes you can make and it's why we offer great equipment AND card processing as close to cost as possible, AND we work with all major point of sale equipment and payment card processors.
Desktop, Mobile App & Web-stores...
Acme Desktop
Front counter checkout lanes, inventory control, vendor management and purchasing software designed to handle 1 to 999 stores and/or DC's.
Custom reports and dashboards ready when and where you are.
Acme Mobile App
Empower your staff and make the most of their time. Add items, count inventory, change prices, create and receive purchase orders, print beautiful signs and more!
Acme powered web-store
Sell online with no double entry. Get up and running up fast using item descriptions and images from the Acme Bar Code Detective's list of over 24 million products. (We add about 40,000 new products every day!)
Get advanced features like scheduled pickup, delivery management, order options (half Canadian Bacon half Italian Sausage) and more.
Acme's "Two Rules of Retail" Triple Guarantee
Because you live in a world where the customer is always right (and so do we).
We guarantee no missing features, even if you are upgrading from a system that cost you 5 x more.
Learn more about the two rules of retail.
Check out
What our clients say about our service
GREAT service and support !!
5 star *****
Mike F.
Something Fishy, Minneapolis, MN
Thanks for all your help with our new Central Acme and multiple stores. You've made a difference in the lives of our girls. We're sending a merit badge. :>)
Roxie Huber
Girl Scouts -Dakota Horizons
Always quick to respond and great to work with THANK YOU!
Anton Coop, Anton, CO
Acme is priced less per month than a part-time employee...
...yet doesn't call in sick and may even let YOU leave early!
Put More in yOUR cash drawer...
Built for retail by retailers (and world class developers)
We've walked a few miles in your shoes, we are not just some company that thinks there should be an app for that.
New Subscription & Utility Billing App! -Perfect for billing same amount on regular schedule or meter readings.
Water & Sewer
Frequent shopper clubs, recurring products and services, campgrounds and municipalities.
Works with Acme and your favorite accounting system. Check it out on
We listen to our customers (and hope you will too)
Ready to Get Started?
Call Total BusinessWare (877) 202-4225
We've helped over 2,000 specialty retailers with their unique point of sale needs. Let's see if we can help you too.
We know this is one of the most important decisions you will make, so we guarantee Acme before during and after you put it to use.
Sales & Support
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Partner Programs | Refer a Friend
Call Total BusinessWare (877) 202-4225