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Walk the store, scan bar codes. Enter the quantity you wish to buy. This also works well for "after the fact" purchase orders, where the goods show up before the PO is created.


You can scan item number or PLU's. If there is more than one unit of measure involved conversion to stocking units will be displayed on screen. For example EACH and CASE12. If you were to scan using both units they will stored as separate records on the hand held, but merged together when the file is created on the server for import. This provides the ultimate in flexibility.



You can add new items to Acme "on the fly" while creating cruise purchase orders with the Acme Mobile App!



Acme mobile app can suggest the Standard Order Quantity (SOQ) for the item or item at location, this can also be done after import into PO Worksheet.


When done, send data to Acme server and import into Purchase Order Worksheet as Cruise Purchasing.


During the import process you can designate which vendor you want to purchase the items from. If the vendor was not previously associated with the item, the association will be added and the items average cost will be used for Vendor Default Cost.


After the list is imported into a PO Worksheet you can apply standard order quantity, vendor minimum quantity or calculate the suggested reorder quantity automatically using reorder point or target stocking levels.



The file is output as CruisePurchasing{datetime}{username}.csv and is the same format as the mobile app outputs for Purchase Order Receiving.


item number, qty, date/time, date/time coded, item description.



Related Topics


For all steps to create, receive, and update prices see: Cruise Purchasing Checklist

Acme Point of Sale is brought to you by Total BusinessWare Inc.


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