>Maintenance >Acme Setup Information >Customer Default Lookup, Inq, Zip code, Mtg, Options
Default Customer Lookup type:
Choose from Super Find, Name, Phone, Email Address, Sticky Controls (last one used, per terminal)
Click >Maintenance >Acme Setup Information >POS Customer Options
Customer Inquiry Options
Include Lifetime Sales on Customer Inquiry Screen Yes/No -Controls display of customer information during customer inquiries.
Include YTD (year to date) Sales on Customer Inquiry Screen Yes/No -Controls display of customer information during customer inquiries.
Include Prior YTD (year to date) Sales on Customer Inquiry Screen Yes/No -Controls display of customer information during customer inquiries.
Zip Code Assistance
Zip Codes can be associated with Price Codes and one or more Tax Location Codes.
Enable Assistant Y/N? -Propagates city and state when you enter zip code. If City and State are blank and user enters zip code Acme will automatically populate city and state. Works in Ticket Entry and Customer Maintenance.
Propagate Tax Location Y/N? If Zip Code Assistance = Yes and Zip Code entered is associated with one Tax Location Code automatically populate the customers Tax location with the value. If more than one Tax Location Code is associated with the zip code the user wil be presented with a list to choose from.
Propagate Price Code Y/N? If Zip Code Assistance = Yes and Zip Code entered is associated a Price Code automatically populate the customer Price Code with that value.
Marketing Prompts
-Enter yes/no question you want clerks to ask customers when soliciting permission to email or text.
See Add New Customer Dialog Types for examples.
Can we text or email you about specials from time to time? |