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Click >Maintenance >POS Terminal Setup >Electronic Payments Tab


First choose your processor on >Maintenance >Acme Setup Information >Authorize Tab.

The payment processor you choose will dictate which fields you see here.


Process Credit, Debit And SNAP Cards

-Choose method, choices are dictated by Acme Setup Information >Authorization Tab.



Disable Card Reader for Debit Cards Y/N.
-If disabled you must use two buttons on Tender Entry screen, one for Debit and one for Credit. Inform customers to swipe debit or dip their chip for credit.


Disable Chip Reader for Debit

-this was a transitional setting, that is seldom set to yes now that the vast majority of debit cards have chips.


Enable Card Type


When not enabled the payment terminal looks at the card and presents choices to the customer (debit or credit?) based on the merchants configuration.


When enabled, Acme will tell the payment terminal to expect debit or credit based on the tender type selected by the clerk. If customer inserts different card type, the terminal will reject it.


-If using Admin Fee and Discount set this to YES. If you accept debit and credit set up two tender keys, one for each payment type. Have clerk ask customer which they would like to pay with. If they insert other card type, the payment terminal will reject the card. This prevents situation where customer says debit to avoid admin fee and inserts credit.


Note while they both work, Ingenico LANE devices (3000, 6000, 7000 etc) streamline the customer experience more so than the PAX devices.



If configured to process EMV chip cards the following buttons will be visible.


Perform EMV Parameter Download

-connects to your processor to download information into your Payment Terminal.


In most cases, Download Parameters does not require proper merchant id. The download is from Datacap servers, not processor servers with few exceptions.


Datacap Error: Transaction Not Complete -Data Configuration not found or incorrect.

-this usually means the Datacap Forms package is not properly loaded.


Pad Reset


Reset Pad does not require that parameters be downloaded or merchant ID to be correct. It doesn't even require that Acme be configured for proper payment terminal. It is good test to ensure Acme can communicate with the pad, so it can be used to determine that Acme proper port is selected.


If the proper payment terminal is found, the Pad Reset checks for card present in the EMV slot, if a card is found the pad beeps and tells the customer to remove card. If a card is not found, the prompts on the pad may or may not change, depending on the pad. For example, ISC250 does not change appearance, while VX805 briefly changes from Welcome, to Please Wait a Moment and back to Welcome.


If the proper payment terminal is NOT selected, the pad reset may be successful, but the test for card present will likely not be run and not cause an error or message.



Test CC Auth. | Test DB Auth. | Test Sig Capture



During test transactions you may see message "This authorization cannot be performed without a PIN pad!"


-In new systems this usually means PIN pad is not configured properly in Acme. Check COM port etc.

-In working systems on rare occasions a processor outage has occurred and this message can linger even after processor is back on line. Restart your computer and then cycle the power on your payment terminal to resolve.


Process Gift Cards

-Enable, disable, choose device depending on gift card processor.


-Typically the payment terminal SECUREDEVICEID selected for Gift will be similar to the one selected for credit, regardless of who the gift card processor is. For Example:


CC = First Data RapidConnect with end to end encryption uses...



GC = Factor4, a gift card processor not related to First Data RapidConnect uses...

INGENICOLANE7000_RAPIDCONNECT_E2E for dsiPDCX (always same same as above if on same port.)


If card swipes on the PIN Pad are not usable by your gift card processor check the following settings:


Enter Manual Gift Card Numbers On:

-Pin Pad Keypad

-On-screen Dialog (computer screen)


Disable PIN Pad Gift Card Swipe Y/N


Related Topics


Electronic Payments -checklist

Acme Point of Sale is brought to you by Total BusinessWare Inc.


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