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Import Acme Point of Sale customers and tags into MailChimp for personalized marketing.


Prerequisites: -You should already have a MailChimp account and already have gone through the process to Export Customer / Contact Tags using one of the MailChimp templates. Acme works with MailChimp Free and Paid (recommended) accounts. More information here:



Our MailChimp integration is currently one way, customers and tags from Acme are sent to MailChimp. you can also add contacts to MailChimp via online sign up forms on your web site and through social media like Twitter and Facebook. Please inquire if you desire a tighter two-way sync where MailChimp contacts are pulled into Acme.


Acme keeps one contact list and each contact can have unlimited tags assigned to them. MailChimp on the other hand does not use tags, instead each tag becomes it's own contact list. This works well and nothing is lost in translation as long as you name your MailChimp lists after your Acme tag(s). -MailChimp does allow you to segment lists and while this is very similar to tagging it is beyond the scope of this document. , please see MailChimp support for details.


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MailChimp Templates


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Acme Point of Sale is brought to you by Total BusinessWare Inc.


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