You buy PVC pipe in 8 foot lengths and sell it by the foot.
Set up the item as highlighted below, List Price and Avg Cost are per foot.
On the PLU tab enter the UPC code found on the 8 foot length. You can make up your own PLU or use Vendor item code for the PLU if you wish.
The selling quantity is 1. If you look in Unit of Measure setup, FT008 has a factor of 8 like this:
Each time you scan 455378000010, behind the scenes you are selling 8 feet of pipe.
In item setup, Pricing Tab you can add a price code for the 8 foot length if desired. Perhaps the product is less expensive to buy in full lengths.
Here is what transaction entry would look like if a customer bought one full piece plus one foot of another.
When you send your vendor a Purchase Order, they see their part number, description, etc: