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Click >Maintenance >Acme Setup Information >Receipt Control, Comments & Messages




Receipt Printing Triggers


Use these settings to control minimum receipt / invoice printing by the type of things occurring on the ticket, not just by Tender Type. This is both necessary and useful because certain tickets may not have any tender, for example a Hold Ticket or a combined transaction (return and sale) that ends up with zero balance due.


Usage Example: (not necessarily advised)

Configure Cash Tender to not automatically print any receipts, or not print if only CASH is received. When you want a receipt you can use "Reprint Ticket" function. You want Acme to print a receipt whenever someone makes a payment on their account, even if it was a cash payment. Set the appropriate "Received On Account" control(s) shown above to YES and a receipt will still print.


Notes:  Store Credit refers to an item on the ticket configured for store credit onto gift card. See Item Control on the Item General Tab.


Consolidate Multiple Add-On Kit Members on Receipt


Three choices you can make in regard to how multiple add-on kits are shown on receipts. The fourth choice is always grayed out, since pick tickets always print all detail.


When enabled, kit member extensions are summed into the kit item extension.  The sell price is the summed extension divided by the kit quantity.  List price is set to $0.00.  Invoices and receipts are affected equally.  Remote receipts are unaffected.  Store copies can be set to not print detail which supersedes this setting. Any tickets saved previous to this Acme version 1904 cannot consolidate on reprinted copies.


Receipt Comments & Messages


Enter text to be displayed on receipt and invoice footers. If more than one Payment Type is used multiple ticket comments / messages may print.


Ticket Comments and Messages only appear on hard copies, they do not print to display (screen).


Use TAGS to get fancy...


1.Anything that follows “[store only]” only prints on the store receipt.

2.Anything that follows “[customer only]” only prints on the customer receipt.

3.If neither tag is present then the comment prints on both receipts.

4.If only one tag is present, then only that receipt is affected.


See illustration of tag usage below.


Ticket Comment -Enter any text you wish to have printed at bottom of every receipt/invoice.


Center Comment on Ticket. Yes/No -Useful to make the comment "fit" the ticket. Center a short one-line comment or it will be left justified and may look out of place.


Credit Card Authorization Message -Enter text to print on bottom of credit card receipts/invoices.


Example: I agree to abide by the terms of the Merchant Services Card Holder Agreement.


House Charge Authorization Message -Enter text to print on bottom of house charge receipts/invoices. House Charge is a Tender Type


Example: All house charges subject to Net 10 Day Terms.



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