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Click >Maintenance >Acme Setup >Bar codes pane >Scanned Coupons Tab


Scanned Coupon Tender Type -Choose the Tender Type you would like to associate scanned manufacturer coupons with. This Tender Type must have Payment type of Manufacturer Coupon. It will be automatically used as the clerk scans in coupons on the Tendered Screen. Scanning of coupons does not occur on the Ticket Entry Screen, it is done on the Tendered Screen before entering any other Tenders.


Consider having two Tender Types with Payment Type of Manufacturer Coupons. One for scanned coupons and one for manual entry of coupons that cannot be scanned. The code for manual entry will only require the clerk to enter a dollar amount, it will perform no product validation. Tender types are setup in >Maintenance >Tender Types.


The following options only apply to legacy UPC-A Manufacturer Coupons


Coupon Authentication -UPC-A only, does not affect GS1 DataBar Coupons

Choose the level of validation you want to occur when manufacturer coupons are scanned during Tender Entry.


All authentication methods check expiration date if the coupon includes it as part of it's "Coupon Extended Bar Code" AND your scanner is properly configured to read it. Not all extended bar codes contain expiration dates.


Read Value Only. Relies on clerk making sure customer is buying qualified product. Does not validate quantities. If coupon does not have a fixed value clerk will need to enter the amount off.

Match company Number. Requires product from company specified on coupon, but does not validate Family Code. If coupon does not have a fixed value clerk will need to enter the amount off.

Match Company Number and Family Code. Checks company, quantity and family code. Buy N get N free will suggest highest priced item as free.


Family codes do not work across manufacturers.


Coupon Mismatch Action -UPC-A only, does not affect GS1 DataBar Coupons

Choose the action to take when coupon authentication fails.

Prompt Clerk. They can accept or decline the coupon.

Alert Clerk. The coupon is not accepted into the ticket. The clerk could still over-ride this by choosing a "Manufacturer Coupon" Tender Type (if one is set up) and manually keying in the dollar value of the coupon. This bypasses all authentication.


If Coupon authentication is set to "Read Value Only", then "coupon Mismatch Action" has little affect since most coupons will be accepted automatically.


Coupon Expiration Dates -UPC-A only, does not affect GS1 DataBar Coupons


Assuming Extended Bar Code information is printed on the coupon...


If your scanner is NOT configured to scan the Coupon Extended Bar Code than there is no validation of expiration date, if one exists.


If you scanner IS configured to scan the Coupon Extended Bar Code an expired coupon will cause the message "This Coupon Has Expired" and the coupon will be rejected.


Acme does not probe for additional PLU's

If validation is set to Match Company, the code you scan or type into Ticket Entry must match the code on the coupon, Acme does not probe item maintenance to look for other codes (Item No or PLU) to try to find matches.


Related Topics


Define Tender Types on >Maintenance >Tender Types

Acme Point of Sale is brought to you by Total BusinessWare Inc.


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