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Temporary Price Reductions, also known as TPRs


Set up a Special Price Code of "TPR" with a Start Date that is today (or any date in the past) and an End Date so far in the future that it "never" expires.


Add this Price Code to items temporarily (hence the name) to put them on/off sale.


Use this when there is no set start or end date for the sale.


Regularly review items that have the TPR Price Code assigned to them using reports in the Acme Data Miner.


prod_tipProductivity Tip
If you have weekly sales and and item does not sell through as planned, this is an excellent way to extend the sale and even adjust the price further if need be.


Related Topics


Sale Pricing


Item Pricing -in Acme Mobile Staff application.

Acme Point of Sale is brought to you by Total BusinessWare Inc.


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