Block $0 Priced Items Yes/No
Useful in environments where customer specific pricing is prevalent, you have items where List Price is 0, but the item is not Give Away.
When a zero priced item is encountered during ticket entry, the clerk is alerted with a message and the item is not added to the ticket:
Has no affect if List Price is 0 and the customer price is not, in that case the customer price will be used.
For the block to occur Item Control in Inventory Maintenance must be set to Default.
Works with user privilege "Allow Sell $0 Item". If the user has this privilege Acme will simply stop and ask for price.
Prevent Entry of 0.00 Prices On Line Items Yes/No
Clerk will not be able to manually change a price to 0.00.
Manager or Administrator are prompted to enter price and 0.00 is acceptable.