You live in a world where the customer is always right and so do we. Unfortunately, many retail solution developers have spent more time on wall street than main street. They don't walk in your shoes, they think there should be an app for that.

We have these "golden rule" guarantees because over half of our customers have come from dysfunctional systems. They  moved to Acme because with their old POS system they found the two rules of retail did not apply.

Acme's Two Rules of Retail Triple Guarantee:


Guaranteed During Smart Start


Guaranteed To Put More in Your Cash Drawer


The three guarantees are short and sweet, yet complete. We split them into four sections, two of them "Equipment Audits" and "Smart Start" include 100% money back if you are unsatisfied for any reason, or for no reason at all.

They are a peek into who we are and how we do business. Click each to see the details.

Nothing to start, no long commitment. We earn your business one step at a time.

Checkout lanes should be busy, not  long.

Imagine, your customer just wants to get home to enjoy their new purchase and the only thing stopping them is your inability to take their money.

Some point of sale systems may live in the cloud but NO point of sale system operates in a vaccum. They work with card processors, networks, computers, peripheral devices, etc.

This is about building customer confidence, turning shoppers into repeat customers, you and your staff getting your jobs done AND sleeping better at night.

  • Don't get stuck putting out fires.
  • Have everything running like a well oiled machine.
  • Eliminate finger pointing and excuses, once and for all.
  • No more wondering who to call, or whether it's a hardware, software, internet, or?!?
  • Know you are protected from man-made and natural disasters.

Get a list of 20 mission critical questions unknown to many retailers and intentionally ignored by most point of sale vendors.

Use the form below and we'll send "20 tough Questions" to your inbox so they are easy to use.

Don't let the internet "cloud" come between you and your customers.

Customers will be shocked and you'll be annoyed when checkout lanes slow down or go down due to cloud issues beyond your control.

Imagine you get nice line at the checkout counter, but it's only because you can't ring anyone out. You might as well be using a shoe box and a pencil!

The cloud has its place, but it's not in-between you and your customers. Omni-channel retail (e-commerce, Instacart, etc.) is best when powered by an "on-premise" point of sale system.

Our mobile app is a secure on-prem private cloud app. Our Worry Free IT program provides cloud backup if desired and remote access to all your business apps, not just the point of sale. Now that's proper use of the cloud!

Cloud based point of sale solutions will always be best suited to service businesses
(like dog walkers or lawn mowers) not retail stores with checkout lanes.

If someone tries to convince you that cloud point of sale is a good idea PLEASE ask yourself three questions...