Optimize & Thrive
Sharpen your digital pencil...
Optimize operations, then take it to the bank. Average Sale, Customer Count & Gross Profit. Pretty standard stuff...
With Acme you'll know where these come from, how to get more, AND most importantly where to focus your efforts...
The Acme RFM Cube. Recency, Frequency & Monetization
This takes good better and best to a whole new level.
Use Acme Data Miner to build your own auto-refreshing dashboard, that you can drill into.

Have reports you like to see on a regular basis? -Schedule them to run automatically so they are ready when you are.
And if you like, have reports and charts meet you at your in-box.
Retail optimization would not be possible without effective inventory control. Our physical inventory process makes cycle counting a breeze and does not require closing the doors. It works with smart phones (iOS and Android) as well as on dedicated devices. These same devices can be used create and receive purchase orders and more.