The Two Rules of Retail

Start a conversation in YOUR breakroom.

The Two Rules of Retail

  1. The customer is always right.
  2. When the customer isn't right, see rule #1.

Some people say the two rules of retail are no longer true. In their attempt to be edgy, they list all kinds of reasons. -I just read a Huffington Post article that cited these...

  1. It makes employees unhappy.
  2. If gives abrasive customers an unfair advantage.
  3. Some customers are bad for business.

That train of logic gets derailed when it smacks into reality and side swiped by two step thinking...

When a customer is no longer right (in their mind) they cease to be a customer.

We live in a world where some "adults" still expect ribbons just for participating. Hopefully they outgrow that notion before they get on your payroll... -If not, use this poster to start a conversation.

We believe the "two rules" should apply in vendor and other relationships too. That's one reason we include truly unlimited tech support and training with all Acme subscriptions. You'll see the Acme difference when you get started free.