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Click >Maintenance >POS Terminal Setup >Aux. Invoice, Pick Ticket, PDF, Email


aux invoice setup



Email Invoice Settings:


Off - Acme will not queue up invoices to be sent via email.


Send On Demand - User will use the Reprint Ticket on main menu or in Ticket Entry to queue up invoices to be emailed. Emails are later sent automatically via Acme Data Miner scheduled task.


Auto Send = Emails are always automatically queued up to send IF the customer has an email address in Acme. See next choice, in most environments it is recommended...


Auto-send (print hard copy when email address is blank) - If customer email is not in the system a copy will be printed and no PDF copy will be queued up for email.


Invoice Style -Choose from several different styles. Use the Test Print button to preview each.



prod_tipUse the Test Print button to review the various invoice styles. Custom invoices are available.


Pick Ticket Settings


Auto-print Pick Ticket -Y/N (for every sale)




Related Topics


Emailing Tickets


Acme Point of Sale is brought to you by Total BusinessWare Inc.


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