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Emailing Tickets:


Tickets can be queued up for email from any one of five places in Acme:


1.Ticket Entry >Reprint Ticket

2.Transaction Menu > Reprint Ticket

3.Ticket Entry >Customer Inquiry

4.Customers menu > Customer Inquiry

5.Customer Nav List > Customer Inquiry




Optional components must be installed and licensed and an Acme Gold subscription is required.


The customer must have a Bill to or Main contact with an email address, otherwise the EMAIL button will be disabled. In this case you can add the email in Ticket Entry on the fly, using the “Capture Phone/Email” action key or add it to Customer maintenance.


Sending the email:


The EMAIL button in Acme does not actually send the email, it creates the invoice PDF and a related text file in C:\AcmePOS\data\Email\ on your Acme server.


The email is actually sent via an Acme Data Miner report called "Email Invoices". You can use "Find Reports" on the Data Miner toolbar to locate this report. The report can be run manually as needed or scheduled to run via Windows Task Scheduler. Note that each run of the report only sends 1 email, so if you run it every 5 minutes you could send up to 12 emails per hour, or every 1 minute you could send up to 60 per hour.


The Acme Data Miner also includes a report called "Email Invoices - Waiting to Send"


Report actions are logged in C:\AcmePOS\data\Email\ReportLog.txt


Related Topics


Reprint Any Ticket


Reprint Ticket in Ticket Entry


Aux. Invoice - Pick Tickets / PDF / Email

Acme Point of Sale is brought to you by Total BusinessWare Inc.


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