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Click >Maintenance >Acme Importer


Set Import Type to "Contact Data" to import or update contact data for existing Customers.


-name, address, phone, credit limit, etc. -creates one default contact per new customer.


See Technical Notes below.


Contact name, address, phone, etc,

Customer Price Code (these are optional, code from Customer will be used if this is omitted.


Import button not active?  Close other Acme screens. If the issue continues validate for required columns.


After import you should get exclusive use of Acme (no other users in the program on other computers) and then click >Maintenance >Reindex


When reindex is complete, go into Acme Data Pump >Utilities >Update Super Find Dictionary. Failure to do so will cause new or updated Contact Names to be omitted from Superfind results.



Related Topics

Acme Importer


Import Inventory Data

Import Pricing Data

Import Vendor Data

Import Customer Data



Technical Notes:


Contact import data is matched up to CUSTALTADDR in several ways depending on data preset:

1.If the MAINADDR column is included in the import definition and the value evaluates to true, then the CUST.DEFADDRID’s CUSTALTADDR record is updated with the import data.  If MAINADDR is not included or is false, then the following rules apply. -For initial imports, you'd typically add column called MAINADDRESS and mark as true.

2.If the DESC column is included, then an attempt to look up the CUSTALTADDR by the description occurs.

3.If the DESC column is not included or CUSTALTADDR record was not found, and if the NAME column is included, then an attempt to look up the CUSTALTADDR by the name occurs.

4.If the CUSTALTADDR cannot be found then a new record is created.


Note: all logical columns in the import data are handled the same way:

1.“T”, “Y” and any non-zero value is considered true.

2.“F”, “N”, “0” and blank are considered false.

3.Everything else is false.


Note: name and description lookup is normalized; this means that all spaces and punctuation is removed and everything is converted to upper case.

Example-“Joe Smith” becomes “JOESMITH”


MAINADDR is an optional column.

Acme Point of Sale is brought to you by Total BusinessWare Inc.


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