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Click >Maintenance >Acme Importer


Set Import Type to "Vendor Item Data" to import or update Vendor ITEM information including:


Vendno. -the Vendor's account number in Acme. Vendor's must exist prior to import.

Vendname -the name of the vendor. See tip below.

Vendor Part Number

Vendor Part Description. If this is not imported then Item Description is used.

Vendor Catalog Cost -for use on Suggested Purchase Orders -this is cost of the purchasing unit of measure.

Vendor Minimum Quantity -for use on Suggested Purchase Orders

Can also be used to change vendor part numbers, if you include vpartnoold and vpartno



TIP: Vendors must exist before import. We include Vendor Name field so that you can set up some "seed" vendor records and assign vendor names to them during import. Example:


1.Add Vendors into Acme with vendor numbers 100000, 100001, 100003 etc.

2.In your import file, use these Vendor numbers and include a Vendor Name column.

3.After import of your Vendor Items, back-fill the Vendors with any desired additional information, like email, phone, contact etc.



Import button not active?  Close other Acme screens. If the issue continues validate for required columns.


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Acme Importer


Import Inventory Data

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Import Customer Data

Import Contact Data

Acme Point of Sale is brought to you by Total BusinessWare Inc.


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