Click Purchasing >Receive Purchase Order
This function is not available in Central Acme. If your order comes into a Central warehouse and gets split out to the stores print a Receiving Document to check the order into Central then use one of the following receiving processes at the stores.
Note, you cannot receive a SUGGESTED Order, you must first convert it to a SUBMITTED Order. This is done in Enter/Edit Purchase Orders
You may wish to Print Purchase Order Documents
Receive Purchase Order screen:
Undo All Changes -since last time you saved your entries.
Clear Unposted Receiving -Clear out quantities that have been received on this PO so you can start over. Only clears quantities that have not yet been posted.
(posting updates inventory on hand quantity and cost)
Save All Changes Button Saves changes you have made to quantities or costs. The changes are saved to the Purchase Order, not to the items. On hand counts are not yet updated, that happens when you Post Receiving.
Post Receiving Button -Quantities and costs on the PO are used to update the items. You can post receiving more than once per PO. You can partially receive a line item or an order today, and finish tomorrow. If received quantities do not match ordered quantities you will be asked if you wish to keep the PO open so additional receiving can be entered and posted later. If you elect to close the PO unreceived items (if any) will have their on order quantity reduced.
The Receiving Worksheet shows OPEN QTY on the PO, if you POST partial receipts and reprint the receiver the open quantities will be updated on the printed document accordingly. This may come in handy if someone looses the Receiving Worksheet. Print Purchase Order Documents
Enter Receiving Data
Use the controls (highlighted in yellow in the big screen shot above) to tell Acme how you would like to work.
•Receive Complete -Quantity Received will be set to Open Quantity. Cost will be set to PO Cost. You can edit exceptions prior to Posting.
•Receive Partial -The default for each item's Quantity Received and Cost will be 0. You will enter appropriate values from your Vendor's invoice. See productivity tip above.
The following controls can be changed during the receiving process as well...
•Item Order -change the sort order to match your vendors packing slip or invoice.
•Enter Purchasing Unit of Measure Quantity
•Enter Stocking Unit of Measure Quantity
•Enter Both (order 25 pound case of bananas and receive 52 bananas)
•Enter Extended Cost -If "Enter Extended Cost" is checked (YES), and you click RECEIVE COMPLETE, cost is populated with the value from the purchase order. You can enter different cost if necessary.
•Tab or Enter to Navigate to Next Item. If unselected then you will use the mouse, touch screen or arrow keys on your keyboard.
When receiving is posted, the value of the inventory is averaged. For example:
100 on hand and you paid 1.00 each.
Receive 10 more at .90 each.
You now have 110 on hand at .99 each.
See "Purchase Order Reports" in the Acme Data Miner for an easy way to change prices and print new shelf labels. |
Detail Section
Open Quantity column goes down after you post receiving for an item. If you ordered 12 and received 4 it will show 8 left open.
Qty Received columns show number received but not yet Posted to on hands.
To see how many were on the original Purchase Order simply print or preview the original order. |
Receive Purchasing via Acme Mobile App
Purchase Order Receiving with the Acme mobile app can handle receiving via Item Number or PLU and associated units of measure. If you scan a case PLU, the case size is displayed and translated into stocking units of measure. The mobile app can also suggest the open qty as the number to receive.
Related Topic:
Purchase Order Receiving (on Acme Mobile App)
Import Receiving CSV
Use the Acme Mobile App or other device to to gather item counts and then Import CSV that contains itemno and qty columns.
PLU's are allowed in the CSV but all quantities are assumed to be in stocking units. The Acme Mobile App automatically handles this by translating to stocking quantity when it creates its CSV.
See Receive Purchase Order Tutorials
Receive on Portable
If you have a compatible portable data collection terminal you can use it to
scan or enter item numbers and PLU's, quantities and optional cost for receiving.
When receiving on the portable, you can enter quantities in Stocking or Purchasing UOM and cost as Stocking or Purchasing UOM cost, but all items in a portable's batch must be entered in same manner. When you import from data collection terminal use this dialog to tell Acme how you entered quantities and costs:
If you do not enter cost onto the Data Collection Terminal, receiving will use a priority search to suggest cost: invoice cost, then vendor cost, then avg. cost. You can edit the suggested cost before you post receiving.
Note: If you do not enter cost on the portable, and do not wish to split batches by stocking or purchasing UOM there is a work around. Instead of using the "Receive PO" program on the portable and "Import from Data Collection Terminal" use "Scan Items with Quantity" on portable and "Import Receiving CSV" in Acme. The custom routine that copies the file from portable to computer converts all quantities into stocking units, so factored PLU's work as expected.
See Receive Purchase Order Tutorials