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Click >Reports >Sales Report


Sales Report2


Enter Start Date and  End Date.


Received on Account Section -Pick the section that you wish Received on Account data  to appear in.

Choices are Miscellaneous, Sales, or Services.


Sales Tax Section -Pick the section that you wish Sales Tax data to appear in.

Choices are Miscellaneous, Sales, or Services.


Print Al Departments -Choose to Print all Departments or Suppress Departments with zero dollars.


Always Print Received on Account Y/N.


Suppress Received on Account Y/N. -Option not available to edit if "Print all Departments" is selected above.


Always Print Sales Tax -

Print All Tenders


Sum Chg with Cash Receipts Y/N -IMPORTANT: If you have multiple cash tenders this should be set to NO, otherwise cash sub totals will be incorrect.


Store Number (pick list) -Option only available in a Central Acme. Allows reporting on individual stores if this is a Central Acme.


Print… (pick list) -Choose from Whole Store, By Clerk, By Technician.

If you choose Clerk or Technician you may enter a Name, portion of a Name (to match) or leave the field blank to print data for all Names.


Note, the Taxable and Non-Taxable columns tell if the items in the transactions were taxable or not. If an item is setup and taxed at 0% the sale would show up in the "Taxable" column.


If you wish to utilize sequence numbers  to order the sales report then the best practice is to add a main department with a sequence number and then all the sub-departments will share the same sequence number during report generation.  See Departments




The "Difference" value  on this report is the difference between the sum of the tender records, and the sum of the detail lines. It is not affected by Cash Tray Reconciliation. Any number other than 0 indicates that there was likely a problem saving one or more tickets due to power outage, network failure or similar. This should be exceedingly rare, if the cause is unknown contact your support team.


Sample Sales Report  


Options discussed above can change the output considerably...



Sales Report



Report Footer


The report footer shows Pay Outs (since they are neither sales nor returns) as well as metrics like Total Transactions, Average Sale, Minimum and Maximum Sale.



Related Topics


Ticket List Reports

Acme Point of Sale is brought to you by Total BusinessWare Inc.


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