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Click >Maintenance >Acme Setup Information >Electronic Payments Loyalty Reward Settings


Handling Product Returns:


Points are not returnable; that is, the customer does not automatically get points back on their card when they return merchandise. Often more than one item is purchased at a time, how would Acme determine what was paid with cash and what was paid with points?!?

The answer is to either return the full face value of the product (in effect giving cash or credit card card for points) OR return the amount paid in cash or card and go into the web portal and add points to his balance.

Loyalty / Rewards Program Name -Appears on clerk's screen during ticket entry and also prints on receipts.


Loyalty Enrollment Method -Choose Card Based or Phone Number Based. Phone number based uses "virtual cards" loaded on the processor's server and into Acme. The phone numbers are not available to the processor.


Phone numbers can be harvested from Acme and used for text message marketing via third party or integrated tools. If you plan to do so, you should notify customers during enrollment. If you do this, opt-out would be controlled via the third party tool.


Max Points Allowed Per Ticket -the maximum points you will award on a single transaction.
You should set this to the same amount as the processing portal Issuance Max.


Loyalty Pts. Awarded Per $1 Spent


Loyalty Pts. Req. For $1 Reward


Minimum Reward Amount ($) -customer cannot redeem points until they have at least this many available.
You should set this to the same amount as the processing portal Redemption Min.


Maximum Reward Amount ($) -the largest reward redemption on a single transaction. Rewards never exceed the transaction amount.
You should set this to the same amount as the processing portal Redemption Max.


($) Loyalty Reward Buttons -to speed transaction entry Ticket Entry will display buttons for fixed reward amounts like $1, $5, $10, $20. You can choose up to 8 fixed amounts.


Fixed Loyalty Reward Amounts -if yes the reward screen will not allow the clerk to type in variable amount rewards. They can only choose from the amounts set up on the Loyalty Reward Buttons.


Pause On Ticket Entry After Reward -if set to "No" the clerk is taken to the tender entry screen.


New Member Loyalty Points -a bonus for new sign-up.


Exclude From Max Tkt Pts. Y/N -if you have a maximum number of points that can be awarded on a single ticket, should the new member bonus points be included or excluded from the max?


Balance Max

Acme does not have a field to record Balance Max, but the processor does. You should ensure this is set to whatever number you desire.

Other important Notes


Customers can be assigned a loyalty points multiplier. This is done in Customer setup.


Items can be excluded from loyalty availability. This is done in Item setup.


You also need to set up an item to be used for loyalty rewards:


Create a Loyalty Rewards Department

Create item of LOYREWARDS / Loyalty Rewards.

Put it in the Loyalty Rewards Department.

List Price = 0.


No Restocking Fee

In most states this item would also be set to not-taxable. Consult your accountant regarding taxation your specific local.

Designate this as your Loyalty Item in Loyalty setup.


There are five items described and highlighted above that must be set up the same in Acme as they are in the processor portal.


Related Topics


Loyalty Workflow


Loyalty Account Number List


Gift / Loyalty Processing

Acme Point of Sale is brought to you by Total BusinessWare Inc.


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