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Acme maintains lists of Customers, Items, Taxes, Sale Prices, etc. Each item on a list is sometimes referred to as a "record".


These buttons are found throughout Acme:



Launches Super Find and other powerful type search capabilities



Scan item numbers and PLU's during item maintenance and label printing. Not necessary to click a button during transaction entry, waiting for item is Ticket Entry's natural state.


A priority search is done, first through the PLU table, then through the item table, then through inferred look-up on the item table if the data appears to be UPC.




Print item, shelf, customer or custom labels.




When viewing a list of items, customers, vendors etc. you can click this button to drill into the details about the highlighted record.



Limit the records shown on a list to those that you want to work with. Extremely powerful in the Inventory Nav View. Some common filters include department, item number range, part of description, vendor, etc. -You can combine filters too. the filtered list makes it very easy to work with a sub-set of records in your list.


If any button (not just those shown above) is not activated it is "grayed out". This can mean the feature is not available, perhaps because you have multiple screens open trying to edit related data OR you have not provided enough information to make the button function properly.


Example, Multiple screens open trying to edit related data:

When adding or editing items, you try to add a new department. The NEW button on the Departments screen will be deactivated until you save the item record. the conflict occurs because both screens are in edit mode, trying to change the same data. Requiring the user to only be in edit mode on one screen at a time avoids


Example: You have not provided enough information to make the button function properly.

When running a report the PREVIEW button will not become active until you complete the required fields on the report option form and select a valid printer.



Related Topics


Find Items

Inventory Item Look Up

Finding Items During Ticket Entry


Find Customers

Customer Look Up

Finding Customers During Ticket Entry

Acme Point of Sale is brought to you by Total BusinessWare Inc.


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