See Return Pricing for details regarding suggested return price.
You cannot return a transaction that includes Received on Account. Consider voiding instead.
Return 1 of an item.
>F6 Return -On screen prompt changes to "Enter the return item's Ticket Number…"
Follow the prompts to handle a return item with or without original receipt.
If you have the original receipt scan or enter it's ticket number and Acme will use the price from the original sale. See Return Pricing below.
Acme does not validate quantity sold on the original ticket.
Return more than 1 of an item
Example: Customer returns 24 of an item. You type in:
24, >F5 Set Qty, >F6 Return Item then follow the on-screen prompts.
If you have the original receipt scan or enter it's ticket number and Acme will use the price from the original sale. See Return Pricing below.
Acme does not validate quantity sold on the original ticket.
Background -A return can be viewed as the opposite of a sale. These are used most often to reverse all or part of a previous transaction.
Return can be entered at any time. The original ticket number may or may not be referenced during the return. If the original ticket number is entered it will be searched for pricing information. Note, if an item is on the ticket more than once, Acme will suggest the first amount found. Reverse Whole Ticket (see below) might be a better option.
In Acme a single transaction can contain both sale and return items. These are always split into separate tickets if posted to a host accounting system. Ability to combine tickets can be controlled in Acme setup.
Returning a House Charge -When Return is used and you wish to offset a House Charge use "Receive On Account".
If you have a host accounting system and post to host then accounting will end up with a zero dollar credit memo (to return the inventory if any) and an un-applied cash receipt that can be applied to the original ticket.
If all items on the original ticket are being returned you may be better served by voiding the original ticket if possible since it will create fewer transactions and less work (no cash receipt to apply) in the host accounting system.
For more information see: House Charges
Return to Gift Card. - After the items are added to the ticket tap "Issue Gift Card" button and issue a gift card for the amount of the return.
Reverse Whole Ticket -You can reverse an entire ticket that was previously entered using Reverse Whole Ticket.
Restocking Fees -Acme can be configured to collect restocking fees based on global, item or customer settings. See Restocking Fees
Cash Refund -Please note that the Tender Type called "Change" determines the amount of cash a clerk can return to a customer. See Tender Types for details.
Refund to Credit Card -Merchant agreements require that you refund onto same card that was used during the original purchase. See customer receipt for partial card number to verify same card.